Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Lord Of The Flies By William Golding - 1271 Words

After following in his father s footsteps and teaching English and philosophy to unruly boys at Bishop Wordsworth’s School, Golding abandoned his profession to join the Royal Navy and fight in World War II. Golding has said of the war, â€Å"I began to see what people were capable of doing. Anyone who moved through those years without understanding that man produces evil as a bee produces honey, must have been blind or wrong in the head† (â€Å"William Golding†). Written in the early 1950’s in Salisbury, England, Lord of the Flies depicts an allegory for World War II which allows for social commentary on the events of the war. Many of the people, symbols, and events of the war reflect the characters, symbols, and events in the novel in order to defend the essential values of democracy, and attack the downfalls of the Axis Power’s governments. In the beginning of the novel we are introduced to Jack, the leader of the choirboys, who is initially rejected as the leader of the entire group, due to Ralph’s popularity at the time. However, as the novel continues, Jack develops into a feared, bloodthirsty dictator who craves only the power of leadership and the thrill of the hunt. We can see similar characteristic of Jack’s situation in Adolph Hitler’s early life, when he flunked out of his college preparatory school and â€Å"refus[ed] to bow to the discipline of a regular job† (â€Å"Adolph Hitler†). It was during this time of Hitler’s vagabond existence that sparked his fascination for massShow MoreRelatedLord Of The Flies By William Golding869 Words   |  4 PagesLord of the Flies Psychology Sometimes people wear fake personas like a cloak over their shoulders, used to hide what is really underneath. This harsh reality is witnessed in William Golding’s classic Lord of the Flies, a novel that is famous for not only its sickening plot, but also for the emotional breakdowns all of its characters experience. These issues are akin to those shown in certain real-world psychological experiments. A summary of Golding’s Lord of the Flies, combined with the evidenceRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies By William Golding1347 Words   |  6 Pages The theme of The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is the reason society is flawed is because people are flawed. Although Piggy is knowledgeable, he has many flaws including his laziness and physical inabilities. Ralph is an authority seeker. He sets rules and laws, yet does little to enforce them. Ralph wants to be the ruler, without doing the work to enforce his laws. Jack is persistent. He is rude, harsh and violent in or der to get what he wants. He wants to be supreme. Piggy’s flaws areRead MoreLord Of The Flies By William Golding1123 Words   |  5 PagesIn the novel Lord of The Flies by William Golding, the characters Ralph, Piggy, and Jack represent important World War II leaders Franklin Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler, and Winston Churchill. Golding, who had served in World War II, was well aware of the savagery created, and used it to base his book on. Ralph represents Franklin Roosevelt , Jack represents Adolf Hitler, and Piggy represents Winston Churchill. Ralph being of the novel’s main protagonist is important in the outcome of the story becauseRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies By William Golding1065 Words   |  5 PagesThe Lord of the Flies Essay The Lord of the Flies written by William Golding and published on September 17, 1954 is a story told about a group of stranded boys and their fight for survival against the wilderness and themselves. In this story many signs of symbolism are used by Golding to point out certain aspects of society that Golding thought strongly of. This story on first read may just seem to be a survival- esque piece of literature but, on a deeper look one can find Golding’s true motiveRead MoreLord of The Flies by William Golding619 Words   |  2 PagesGovernments are no different; they fight for power just like the rest of us do. They just do it on a much bigger scale. Qualities from Oligarchy, Totalitarianism, Democracy, Dictatorship, and Anarchy governments are used in several parts of Lord of The Flies that represent different characters and different situations. An Oligarchy is a small group of people having control of a country or organization. A Totalitarianism government is a form of government that permits no individual freedom and thatRead MoreThe Lord of the Flies by William Golding1306 Words   |  5 PagesIn The Lord of the Flies, William Golding creates a microcosm that appears to be a utopia after he discharged from the British Royal Navy following World War II. After an emergency landing, Golding places a diverse group of boys on the island that soon turns out to be anything but utopia. The island the boys are on turns out to be an allegorical dystopia with inadequate conditions (Bryfonski 22). The boys reject all lessons they learned from their prior British society, and they turn towards theirRead MoreLord of the Flies by William Golding932 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscussing two particular themes from a novel called Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Lord of the Flies was written in 1954 after World War II. Ruler of the Flies is a purposeful anecdote about something that many readers can’t really describe. Individuals cant choose precisely what. Its either about the inalienable underhanded of man, or mental battle, or religion, or personal inclination, or the creators emotions on war; however William Golding was in the Navy throughout World War II, or perhapsRead MoreLord Of The Flies By William Golding1383 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to Lord of the Flies is still a Blueprint for Savagery by Eleanor Learmonth and Jenny Tabakoff, the words â€Å"I’m afraid. Of us† first appeared in Golding’s novel 60 years ago. Lord of the Flies by William Golding follows a group of schoolboys trapped on an island after a plane crash during a world war. At the beginning, they celebrate as the y have total autonomy as there are no adults around. They attempt to establish a civilization but when order collapses, they go on a journey from civilizationRead MoreLord Of The Flies By William Golding Essay1475 Words   |  6 Pages Outline Introduction Short intro for Lord of the Flies Short intro on Gangs The bullying and group mentality demonstrated in gangs has resemblances to the characters in Lord of the Flies. II. Bullying/Group mentality Gangs Drugs/Loyalty B. Lord of the flies Jack kills the pig/Jack and Ralph fight III. Effects B. Lord of the flies Jack killing the pig aftermath Violence IV. Conclusion Gangs are considered a group of people that have a common link togetherRead MoreLord Of The Flies By William Golding962 Words   |  4 PagesBischof Language Arts 10 11 December, 2015 In William Golding s Lord of the Flies, Golding uses the theme of human nature to show how easily society can collapse, and how self-destructive human nature is. Throughout the story Golding conveys a theme of how obscured and horrible human nature can lead us to be. Many different parts of human nature can all lead to the destruction of society. A few of the concepts of basic human nature that Golding included in the book are destruction, and panic

Monday, December 16, 2019

Our Mutual Friend Free Essays

Wider Reading Books Research: Name: Our Mutual Friend Author: Charles Dickens Synopsis: The multiple plots of Our Mutual Friend, Dickens’s last complete novel, twine around the miser John Harmon’s legacy of profitable heaps of refuse (â€Å"dust†). Harmon dies and leaves the dustheap operation to his estranged son John, on the condition that he marries Bella Wilfer, a young woman unknown to him. When a body found in the Thames is believed to be the younger Harmon, travelling home to receive his inheritance, the dustheaps descend instead to Harmon’s servant Noddy Boffin (â€Å"The Golden Dustman†). We will write a custom essay sample on Our Mutual Friend or any similar topic only for you Order Now Boffin and his wife respond to their new status by hiring Silas Wegg, a â€Å"literary man with a wooden leg† to teach Boffin to read; arranging to adopt an orphaned toddler from his poor great-grandmother; and bringing the socially ambitious Bella Wilfer into their home, where she is watched and evaluated by John Rokesmith, a mysterious young man employed as Boffin’s secretary. Rokesmith is actually John Harmon, who has survived betrayal and attempted murder and is living incognito so that he can observe Bella. Boffin’s negative transformation by his wealth, Bella’s moral awakening as she witnesses the changes wealth produces in Boffin and in herself, and the developing love relationship between Rokesmith and Bella form one key sub-plot. Another is the romance between gentlemanly idler Eugene Wrayburn and Lizzie Hexam, the daughter of the waterman who finds the drowned body. Class differences and the obsessive love and jealousy of schoolmaster Bradley Headstone threaten their relationship, but they are finally married with the help of the crippled dolls’ dressmaker Jenny Wren. The smaller plots that interweave these sensation/romance narratives comment on the hypocrisy of fashionable life (â€Å"Podsnappery†) and the destruction of the family lives of both rich and poor by an industrialized, materialistic society. Characters: John Harmon, Bella Wilfer, Noddy Boffin, Mrs Henrietta Boffin, Lizzie Hexam, Charley Hexam, Eugene Wrayburn. Themes: One of the most prevalent symbols in Our Mutual Friend is that of the River Thames, which becomes part of one of the major themes of the novel, rebirth and renewal. Water is seen as a sign of new life, used by churches during the sacrament of Baptism as a sign of purity and a new beginning. In Our Mutual Friend, it has the same meaning. Characters like John Harmon and Eugene Wrayburn end up in the waters of the river, and come out reborn as new men. Wrayburn emerges from the river on his deathbed, but is ready to marry Lizzie to save her reputation. Of course, he surprises everyone, including himself, when he survives and goes on to have a loving marriage with Lizzie. John Harmon also appears to end up in the river through no fault of his own, and when Gaffer pulls his â€Å"body† out of the waters, he adopts the alias of John Rokesmith. This alias is for his own safety and peace of mind; he wants to know that he can do things on his own, and does not need his father’s name or money to make a good life for himself. [29] Throughout Our Mutual Friend, Dickens uses many descriptions that relate to water. Some critics refer to this as â€Å"metaphoric overkill,† and indeed there are numerous images described by water that have nothing to do with water at all. [30] Phrases such as the â€Å"depths and shallows of Podsnappery,† [31] and the â€Å"time had come for flushing and flourishing this man down for good† [31] show Dickens’s use of watery imagery, and help add to the descriptive nature of the book. Historical Background: Our Mutual Friend was published in nineteen monthly numbers in the fashion of many earlier Dickens novels and for the first time since Little Dorrit (1855–7). A Tale of Two Cities (1859) and Great Expectations (1860–1) had been serialized in Dickens’s weekly magazine All the Year Round. Dickens remarked to Wilkie Collins that he was â€Å"quite dazed† at the prospect of putting out twenty monthly parts after more recent weekly serial. Our Mutual Friend was the first of Dickens’s novels not illustrated by Hablot Browne, with whom he had collaborated since The Pickwick Papers (1836–7). Dickens instead opted for the younger Marcus Stone and, uncharacteristically, left much of the illustrating process to his discretion. After suggesting only a few slight alterations for the cover, for instance, Dickens wrote to Stone: â€Å"All perfectly right. Alterations quite satisfactory. Everything very pretty† Stone’s encounter with a taxidermist named Willis provided the basis for Dickens’s Mr. Venus, after Dickens had indicated he was searching for an uncommon occupation (â€Å"it must be something very striking and unusual†) for the novel. How to cite Our Mutual Friend, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Barriers In Our Mind free essay sample

â€Å"The biggest obstacles in our lives are the barriers our mind creates†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Unknown) This quote has gotten me through the roughest parts of my life. I saw this quote at an old friend’s house when I was about eleven and based my life on it. When tried out for the basketball team; not making it was my biggest fear. I went to the tryouts but only sat on the sidelines and watched. One of the coaches seen my height and told me that I had nothing to lose, but everything to gain. I missed out on making the team, but not because of my lack of skills. The barriers that I put in my head were harder to get around then shooting the ball. I was devastated, but I also realized that sometimes I might not make the team, especially if I create the barriers in my mind. We will write a custom essay sample on The Barriers In Our Mind or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The year continued, and at that age I had not gotten over the fears that I created in my mind. Football season had come and yet again I had to try out for the team. My knees buckled, my head was spinning, and I was sweating without moving. I looked at all of the kids standing to my left and right and almost cried. I knew that at least 8 kids were going to be cut from something much bigger than a team; it would feel as if you are being cut from a family. I tried out, but not to my best abilities. Once again the barriers in my head kept me from doing something that I love. From that moment on I knew that god would not make barriers if no one could get over them. I started training, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Before I knew it I was going to the gym and church daily. I figured that no person on earth could tell me that I was not good enough, or too small, or I just was not good enough. I installed in my head that if I was not good enough for something then no one was. I was in the best shape of my life, and by the time football season came again I would be ready for the worst. I went to a small school in the country, were the kids were bigger then trucks, and the teachers did not care if you succeeded or not. I went to practice every day and competed as it was my last day outing on a helmet. The barriers that I had once put in my head were just a small obstacle course, a few cones, a wall, and me. Later that week I had made the team, but I had only made junior varsity. In my eyes this was not good enough, and I could do a lot better. I strapped on my shoulder pads, buckled my helmet, and put forth my best effort in the classroom as well as on the field. In the middle of the season the coaches said I was ready to play with the big boys, and before I knew it I was starting as a freshman. I had come a long way from the little boy that was scared of his own shadow. I had confidence in everything that I did. I tried out for wrestling and made the team, the AAU basketball team and made that to. I then realized that I was an all-around athlete, and the obstacle course started to become smaller. â€Å"The biggest obstacles in our lives are the barriers our mind creates.† I chose to better myself and let nothing get in my way.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Restaurant Automation Software Requirements Specification Essay Example

Restaurant Automation Software Requirements Specification Paper Purpose goal for this reject is to introduce automation in privately-owned restaurants, that is, small- to medium-sized establishments. Typical problems restaurant personnel are facing include: ; Coordination of their work activities ; Anticipating and handling periods of low/high patron traffic ; Recognizing trends early enough to take advantage of bestsellers or abandon the flops ; Lowering operating costs, and increasing efficiency/productivity and profits Scope aim of this project is to develop a software system that would eliminate the need of traditional pen/paper approach for privately- owned restaurants. The project s focused on making the restaurant fully automated such that it is easier to co- ordinate various work activities that go on inside a typical restaurant. The main features of the project include: Organizing a database for a medium sized restaurant Coordinating work activities of the various actors Host, Waiter, Cook, Busboy and Manager Increase efficiency by minimizing time between an order is placed and the billing Increase profits by reducing operating costs and increasing revenues by increasing efficiency Archiving information of the workers and hours worked Definitions, Acronyms, and Overcompensations Manages inventory, payroll, employee list and charts and statistics for the restaurant Host Assigns and seats people who come to the restaurant Waiter Takes the order from the customer onto a PDA and delivers the order to the customer Cook Reads the order placed from a terminal in the kitchen and cooks food accordingly. Also the cook informs the waiter when the order is ready. Busboy Keeps track of the dirty tables and updates status when he/she is done cleaning Add/Edit Employee Button on the Management page to add or edit th e information of an employee at the restaurant such as employee identification number, their password, employee type and their wages. We will write a custom essay sample on Restaurant Automation Software Requirements Specification specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Restaurant Automation Software Requirements Specification specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Restaurant Automation Software Requirements Specification specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Manage Inventory Button on the Management page of all the items required for food preparation in the restaurant Manage Payroll Button on the Management page to manage the payrolls of the various employees in the restaurant Reports Screen statistical data analysis of the traffic flow in the restaurant Grid GUI layout of the tables in the restaurant Efficiency analysis Performance measure of all waiters in the restaurant Overviews restaurants today still use the same basic methods from years ago to handle orders from customers. Often times this leads to complicated coordination of activities between chefs and waiters. This also means that other tedious tasks, such as inventory checks, fall to the managers to perform. This project seeks to introduce associated with current restaurant management practices. Overall Description propose a software solution to the above problems which would allow the restaurant management to be easier and offer more coordination for the everyday work. A touch screen will be used by the staff to log in and complete the desired task. The supported employee roles are: Host, Waiter, Cook, Busboy and Manager. The various employees have user accounts and login using their passwords they need to member except the cook. Logging in and out will be exploited as triggering events to update and organize the data. When a person enters the restaurant the host will greet the customer and log in to see the tables that are free. The host can also show the floor status to the customer for their preference (e. G. If the customer prefers a free table near the window etc. ). After being seated the assigned waiter for that particular table takes over from the host and takes the order from the customer on a PDA. The order is seen by the cooks in the kitchen who can right away start preparing the order. After the customer is done eating they are billed and the order is archived in the database for calculation of the restaurant revenues for that day/month/year. This also allows preparing easy statistics regarding high patron service hours etc. The Busboy who checks the table status can then take care of the dirty table and after he is done cleaning can mark them as ready to use in the system. The manager has administrative power over employee profiles. They can do the following: 1. The ability to create and modify profiles 2. Track employee activities 3. Authorize restricted waiter activities. We will take into account the number of clicks that are necessary to accomplish the individual tasks and try to minimize the number of clicks for efficient deployment of our system. Product perspectives system will consist of two parts: one mobile application and one web portal. The mobile application will be used to view table status, enter customers orders, view orders information and status. The web portal will be used for managing restaurant information, staff information, and data analysis. Since this is a data-centric product it will need somewhere to store the data. For that, a database will be used. Both the mobile application and the web portal will communicate with the database. Both the mobile application and the web portal will be able to get, add and modify data in the database. All of the database communication will go over a LANA. Product functionalist the mobile application, the user will be able to modify personal information, add orders, view or modify orders and table status and information, depending on the users position in the restaurant: Hosts and bus boys will be able to view and update table status. Table status will be displayed in a map of the restaurants floors, based on their real location in the assistant. Table status can also be modified on this map. There will 3 table statuses: Ready, Occupied and Dirty. Waiters will be able to add and modify orders. The menus items will be displayed in a list view, with a check box, a quantity field and a note field on each of the item. When the waiter press the Create Order button, the order will be created and submitted to the database. Waiters can also edit and cancel orders upon customers requests. After customers finished the food, waiters can also generate bills base on the orders. Chefs will be able to view incoming orders and modify order status. Orders will be display in a list, which is sorted base on the time of the orders. The orders will also be grouped base on their items for easy preparation. After the order is completed, the chefs will have to update the order status, and a notification will be sent to the waiters. The web portal will provide functionality to manage the system, the restaurant data, and staff information. The web portal will also provide a variety of report generating tools. The reports analysis will consist of by-the-day and by-the-hour breakdowns of: ; Revenue and revenue percentage per menu item ; Menu item popularity ; Personnel efficiency Average turnaround time ; Average preparation time User characteristically are two types of users that interact with the system: users of the mobile application and the system administrators. All mobile application users can use the application to modify personal information. Users are also able to view, add or modify orders and table status depending on their position at the restaurant. Users can also retrieve lost password through email. The administrators will not use the mobile application but the web portal instead. There they will manage the information about the restaurant such as menus, table maps and employees accounts. The web portal will also provide administrators with report generating tools for management purpose. Constraints LANA connection is a constraint for the mobile application. Since the application fetches and modifies data from the database over the LANA, it is crucial that there is a stable LANA connection for the application to function. Both the web portal and the mobile application will be constrained by the capacity of the database. Since the database is shared between both applications, it may be forced to queue incoming requests and therefore increase the time it takes to fetch data. FUNCTIONAL Requirements The actors# Main functions Waiter Kitchen Staff Host Bus Boy Manager 1 View Menu Food (View , Update) x xx 2 Odder Food (View , Update) x X 3 List table(View ,update) x xx 4 Invoices xx 5 Report X 6 Create update User X 7 Shift (Create , update) X 8 View Shift xx The use systematic Functions Main Use Cases Use Case # Login This is Authentication User. When is use Application. LO_I . 1 View Status Table We have seen status table. (Find Table is blank). SST_I . 1 Update Status Table Change Status Table. (Table have got Guest). SST_I . Create Order Food Create are List Order Food. OF 1. 1 Update Status Order Food Change Status Order Food When chef cooked. OF_I . 2 Create Bills The Payment request. CB_I . 1 View Bill View is total payment. CB_I . 2 Daily report Report is payment, food etc. DRY_I . 1 Add employe e Manager add employee into database ICC_II Update employee Manager update employee into database US_02 Delete employee Manager delete employee in database US_03 Add menu Manager add food into menu in database US_04 Update menu Manager update food into menu in database US_05 Delete menu Manager delete food in database US_06 View report Manager view report CO_07 Use Cases Diagram Functional Requirement one user case ID US 1 Name Add employee Goal Want to add a employee Actors Manager Pre-conditions User must log in with role Manager Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . Add a employee. 3. Enter employee information: Name, age 2. Display add a employee form and request to enter skill employee information. 4. Validate employee information. Display Complete! message. Exception IA: if role is not correct, show error message and ask to log in again. AAA: if skill category information is not correct, show error message and ask to input again. Open Issues user case ID US 2 Name Update employee Goal Want to update a employee Post-conditions Main Flow 1. Update a employee. 3. Enter employee information: Name, age. 2. Display update a employee form and request to enter employee information. 4. User case ID US 3 Name Delete employee Goal Want to delete a employee Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . Choose employee. 2. Display Success! message. Exception IA: if role is not correct, show error message and ask to log in again. AAA: if skill category information is not correct, show error message and ask to input again. Open Issues N/A user case ID US 4 Name Add menu Goal Want to add menu Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . Add menu. 3. Enter food information: Name, money. 2. Display add menu form and request to enter food information. 4. Validate menu information. Display Complete! Message. Exception IA: if role is not correct, show error message and ask to log in again. AAA: if skill category information is not correct, show error message and ask to input again. Open Issues N/A user case ID US 5 Name Update menu Goal Want to update menu Post-conditions Main Flow 1. Update menu. 3. Enter employee information: Na me, money. 2. Display update menu form and request to enter food information. 4. Validate employee information. Display Complete! message. Exception IA: if role is not correct, show error message and ask to log in again. AAA: if skill category information is not correct, show error message and ask to input again. Open Issues N/A user case ID US 6 Name Delete menu Goal Want to delete menu Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . Choose food. 2. Display Success! message. User case ID US 7 Name View Report Goal Want to view report Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . View report. 2. View report user case ID SST 1. 2 Name Change status table Goal Want to change status table Actors Host, waiter, bus boy Post-conditions Main Flow Change status table. Host change to empty from people +Waiter change to people from clear *Bus boy change to clear from empty Notify message + host send message for waiter+waiter send message for bus boy + bus boy send message for host user case ID SST 1. 1 Name View status table Post-conditions Main Flow View status table. User case ID OF 1. Name Create order Goal Want to create order Actors waiter-conditions User must log in with role waiter Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . Create order 3. Enter number 2. Display create order form and choose food 4. Send information for chef. Display Comple te! message. Exception IA: if role is not seer case ID OF 1. 2 Name Modify order Goal Want to modify order Actors Waiter-conditions User must log in with role waiter Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . Modify order 3. Enter order information: number 2. Display modify order form and request to enter update order information. 4. Send information for chef. Display Complete! message. Exception IA: if role is not correct, show error message and ask to log in again. A: if skill category information is not correct, show error message and ask to input again. Open Issues N/A user case ID CB 1. 1 Name Create bill Goal Want to create bill Actors Cashier Pre-conditions User must log in with role Cashier Post-conditions Main Flow 1. Create bill 2. Display bill and send for waterproofing IA: if role is not correct, show error message and ask to log in again. AAA: if skill category information is not correct, show error message and ask to input again. Open Issues N/A Name View and Update Food. Goal Wa nt to view and update food Actors Chef Pre-conditions User must log in with role chef Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . U food 2. Chef choose food and change status food. Display Complete! . Send message for waterproofing IA: if role is not correct, 3. 4 Database Diagram . 5Sequence Diagram 3. 5. 1 View table status View table status 3. 5. 2: Login 3. 5. 3: Manage Order 3. 5. 4: Manage Payment 3. 5. 5: Manage Table 3. 6Class Diagram NON-FUNCTIONAL Requirements The menu (Android Interface) should contain text and graphics that describe each item to an average customer. Usability The systems user interface will be very simple and self-explanatory. The manager and the cook will interact with the system through touch-screen LCD. They are very easy to adapt to and use. The users Just have to touch the option they want. The waiters will interact with Pads. They will each be able to access the tables that they are responsible for. The menus for the restaurant will show up as drop-down menus on the Pads. The waiters only have to select the item that the customer ordered from the drop-down list. Reliability The system is guaranteed to be reliable. All inputs to the system will be selections from options that the system will show on the screen. Since the system will only provide valid options, there is absolutely no possibility that invalid inputs can be entered. Each user will have a unique surname and password. Dichotomies the risk of unauthorized access to the system. Also, users can only access parts of the system that they require for their Job. For example, a waiter cannot access the inventory management or the payroll feature of the system. Those parts among a few otherness only be accessed by the manager. All these constraints will ensure the reliability of the system. Performance product shall be based on web and has to be run from a web server. The product shall take initial load time depending on internet connection strength which also depends on the media from which the product is run. The performance shall depend upon hardware components of the client/customer. Supportability system will support changes that the restaurant might need to make in future. The manager will have the ability to modify items from the menu. He will also be able to add or delete users to the system for layoffs, retirements or new hires Design Constraints-line User Documentation and Help System Argumentativenesss Counterintelligences section provides a detailed description of user, hardware, software and communication interfaces of the Restaurant Automation software system. User Interfaces Mobile application user should be able to see the login page when he/she opens the application. After the user logged in, he/she will be taken to the main screen of the application. The application main screen will differ base on the user position in the restaurant: Host and Bus Boy: the main screen will consist of a table map of the restaurant. The user can navigate between different table map in each floor of the restaurant by swiping the screen left or right.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

“I Stand Here Ironing” Through the Feminist Approach Essays

â€Å"I Stand Here Ironing† Through the Feminist Approach Essays â€Å"I Stand Here Ironing† Through the Feminist Approach Paper â€Å"I Stand Here Ironing† Through the Feminist Approach Paper Tillie Olson’s â€Å"I Stand Here Ironing† is a story told from the perspective of a young mother during the Great Depression. The woman reflects on the hardships she faced while raising her first-born child, Emily. The mother’s experiences were common to many women. The 1930s was a time when patriarchy was prevalent. Women were expected to adhere to domestic duties and pass these practices on to their daughters. Women strove to find husbands to care for them and start families with. Few women obtained the satisfaction of fulfilling their personal ambitions. After years of striving to fit the socially constructed role of a â€Å"woman,† the mother in the story regrets the decisions she made and feels a lack of accomplishment. Emily shares this realization as she witnesses and learns from the mistakes of her mother. She refuses to conform to societal norms in the hopes of achieving a fulfilling life. From the feminist critical perspective, I interpret this story as a depiction of women in a male-dominated society who progress from blind subjugation to realization, resulting in the desire for their daughters to accomplish the things they could not. The mother’s husband abandoned her, leaving her alone at a time when being a young, single mother was unconventional in society. The difficult circumstances led her to unknowingly accept subjugation in an attempt to fit her role in the patriarchal society. Because males were so dominant in the society she grew up in, the mother discredits herself and capitulates her power to the men in her life: â€Å"I had to bring [Emily] to [her father’s] family and leave her† (925). Society instils in her the idea that women are powerless. Rather than fighting it, she succumbs to societal norms and victimizes herself through her femininity. She describes how her â€Å"breasts ached with swollenness† (925), suggesting womanhood is painful and vulnerable. Women were given little autonomy, which is evident as the mother continually allows people she

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Create Content for Google’s E-A-T Algorithm and Medic Update

How to Create Content for Google’s E-A-T Algorithm and Medic Update You already know that content marketing is a tough nut to crackeven if you’ve got the privilege of working with a team of people with a knack for words. There’s blog posts everywhere you turn in your Google Drive, research papers littering your desk, and website content planned for the next six months. But even after all that prep,  it’s still possible to sink to the bottom of Google’s search results. Just 9% of content  gets some form of organic traffic. And it’s pretty easy to fall into the 91% that doesn’tespecially when over 3 million blog posts  are being published every day. Pretty disheartening, right? It doesn’t have to be that way forever. In fact, you could earn pride of place in Google’s SERPs by focusing on one of their new algorithm features: The E-A-T update. Here’s how you can get in on the action. How to Create Content for Google’s E-A-T Algorithm Update by @elisedopson via @ Where It All Started: The â€Å"Medic† Update On Aug. 1, 2018, Google rolled out a new core algorithm update. That’s not groundbreaking newsthey release some kind of update several times a year, as explained by the internet gods themselves: As with any update, some sites may note drops or gains. There’s nothing wrong with pages that may now perform less well. Instead, it’s that changes to our systems are benefiting pages that were previously under-rewarded.... - Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) March 12, 2018 But this one? It was pretty spectacular. And I don’t just mean the sheer size of itthe effects were devastating for some websites. Huge sites like LiveStrong, The Kitchn and Men’s Health lost thousands of organic visitors  overnight: I think a 50%+ drop in organic traffic is significant enough to call this update a pretty big deal. But if you had your spy goggles on while sieving through that data, you might’ve noticed a trend with the sites that took a hit. Data collected by Search Engine Round Table  found 41% of all sites affected by the update were in the healthcare nichehence why you might’ve heard the algorithm named the â€Å"medic update†. That’s not to say site owners who don’t fall into the healthcare category are safe though. In fact, eCommerce, business, technology and finance took a sizeable dent of the disaster share, too: E-A-T Guidelines, Explained If I’ve scared your socks off, I apologize. But the entire point of me talking about this is to show you how you don’t have to slip to the bottom of page 50 at the mercy of the medic update. In fact, you can use one of their revised ranking factors to your advantage with the content you’re creating. Part of the medic update consisted of Google’s guidelines to â€Å"create great content†. Here’s Google’s Public Search Liason, Danny Sullivan, explaining exactly that: We tell lots of things to do. Improve site speed. Consider secure. Etc. But that's not what this update was about. It's broad. And respectfully, I think telling people there's no particular thing to "fix" is indeed helpful. It means, hopefully, they think more broadly... - Danny Sullivan (@dannysullivan) August 1, 2018 Not really helpful, right? Especially if you’re already creating great content. (Which, spoiler alert: You should be.) But an interesting part of that whitepaper was Google’s focus on E-A-T content. Those guidelines refer to how Google measures the quality of a page. It stands for: Expertise: How knowledgeable is the site owner on the subject matter? Authoritativeness: How credible is the website publishing this content? Trustworthiness: How trustworthy is the website publishing this? Google’s aim has always, and will always, be to show the best, highest-quality results for any search term you could think of. Searchers want to see the best content that satisfies our user intent. If that’s to view information, you’ve got no chance of ranking highly if you’re not factoring E-A-T guidelines into your content marketing strategy. Recommended Reading: The Most Massive SEO Copywriting Guide That Will Make Your Traffic Soar How to Create E-A-T Rich Content Ready to make a dent in the SERPs and start creating content that Google (and your audience) love? Here are the four sections you really need to focus on: 1. Optimize Author Bio and â€Å"About† Pages Let’s start by focusing on the â€Å"E† section of this new algorithm update: Expertise. You need to be showing that everyone contributing to your website is an expert on the topic at handwhether that’s B2B content marketing or dog walking. Why? Because going back to Google’s aim, they want to give searchers the highest quality information. Let’s use an example. If you’re searching for information on the best time to post on social media, which of these would you be more satisfied with? A site ran by a budget social media agency. A site ran by a social media expert, who’s also a keynote speaker and has 10,000+ Twitter followers. I’ll bet you pick option is B. That’d be Google’s preference, too, purely because they’re more trustworthy and have more expertise than option A. The easiest way to showcase your expertise is to optimize two key pages on your website: Author Bio Pages You already know that many CMS create pages, such as author bio pages, automatically. I’m not here to teach you how to suck eggs. But you might not realize you’re able to edit these automatically-generated author pages, and build on the expertise section of Google’s E-A-T guidelineswhile maximising your search visibility. Author bios are a great place to start because Google’s quality guidelines  say: â€Å"Websites or pages without any beneficial purpose, including pages that are created with no attempt to help users, or pages that potentially spread hate, cause harm, or misinform or deceive users, should receive the Lowest rating.† So, for each person with an author page on your website, ask yourself: Are they social influencers? Do they run popular blogs? Have they won awards? Have they spoken at industry conferences? Have they worked with/written for prestigious companies? If you can answer â€Å"yes† to either one, share the details in their author bio pageor ask contributing writers to craft their own professional bio  before you publish their content. Here’s a fantastic example on Search Engine Journal: Along with setting herself apart from other contributors, Julia’s bio shows she’s an expert in her industry. She runs an almost 100-person strong team, served thousands of clients, been named as a top 30 content marketer, written a book, hosted a podcast, and published a course. Pretty impressive, right? Since author bio pages that rarely offer any value, your target audience see content that’s published by someone with experience, knowledge and expertise (like Julia) when you’re optimizing them. Show them you’ve got it on offer! Recommended Reading: Your Ultimate Content Marketer's Guide to Keyword Research About Pages Take the â€Å"show your expertise† game a step further by optimizing the ‘about’ page of your website. This isn’t person-specific; it’s a full rundown of your company and lets your audience get to know the people behind the brand. You could answer questions like: What experts are on your team? Have you won (or been nominated for) awards for your work? Why should someone pick your business over a competitor? Just take a peek at this infographic from the About page on Avalaunch Media’s site  for inspiration: 102 years of digital marketing experience is pretty impressiveas is the long list of logos of sites they’ve been featured in, and the number of events their team have spoken at. Fancy putting this infographic-style About page into action for your own site? Remember to add some supporting text. Google isn’t smart enough to understand images (yet), so make sure you’re giving their search engine spiders  text they can read and rank. Recommended Reading: SEO Content Strategy: How to Make Your Traffic Soar by 594% 2. Purge (and Redirect) Poorly-Performing Content If you’re creating content on a consistent basis, you might think you’re acing this whole â€Å"content marketing† thing. Truth is: You’re only acing it if the content you’re pushing is getting resultswhether that’s direct traffic, social shares, or conversions. If your content isn’t getting any of that, it’s hindering you, not helping you. The E-A-T algorithm means site owners need to create a site-wide content plan with high-performing content. How can you an expert in your industry if 90% of your content doesn’t perform well? Enter: Content pruning. A fancy word for removing your old content, and redirecting usersand Google spidersto something better. Jimmy Daly, Content Manager at Animalz, told me how QuickBooks pruned their poorly-performing content  and grew search traffic by 44% year-on-year: â€Å"QuickBooks SEO lead Will Waggoner merged pageview data with conversion data to help him decide which pages to prune. He made sure to ignore new content that hadn't been around long enough to rank or assist in conversions. He generated a list of pages that received less than 100 pageviews in the last six months and had not assisted in any conversions. Then, he made a plan for each URL. Some would be redirected to an article on a similar topic and some would be redirected to the blog home page. Lastly, Will confirmed that the sitemap would update automatically. Once confirmed, he put the redirects in place. Traffic was up 20% in a few weeks. By the time peak season rolled around, QuickBooks' content was getting 44% more traffic than the previous year. Will points out that removing content doesn't guarantee increased traffic. He recommends improving navigation to make content more accessible and refreshing old content first. Each piece of content represents a significant investment of time and money- delete it only when you've exhausted other options.† Fancy following Will’s strategy? Here’s a quick summary of what you need to do to meet Google’s E-A-T algorithm: Identify poorly-performing pages with 100 page views in the past six months or pages that don’t generate conversions. (Use Google Analytics’ conversion paths  for this.) Improve those pages, or delete them. If redirected, redirect the old URL to the next, most-relevant page. For example: If you’ve deleted a page on content marketing tips, redirect it to a related blog post or your services page. Just like QuickBooks, you’ll see the impact in no timetrust me. 3. Take Control Over User-Generated Content (UGC) Opening your site to guest authors is a scalable way to increase your content output. But if you’re not keeping a close eye on the content being published, you’ve got no chance of catering to those E-A-T guidelines we’re working so hard to meet. It ties back into the point I made about deleting poorly performing content: Poor content will reduce your entire site’s credibilitywhether it was published by your marketing team, or not. Think about it: If you’re opening your site to contributors, you might get a ton of new content being published to your site every day. That’s great right? Not necessarily. Not all content is good content. Contributors might be publishing: Spun content Duplicate content Low-quality content Content that’s optimized for another keyword you’re already targeting elsewhere It’s better to have one strong piece of content, rather than five low-quality ones. That way, both Google and your audience are wowed by one pieceand you’re in with the chance of ranking higher naturally.   But opening your site to contributors, and allowing them to publish their own content, could make that harder. Caveat that by: Not giving contributors permission to publish without being reviewed by you, first. Creating a set of writing guidelines that all contributors must  stick to. does the latter. Just take a look at the â€Å"write for us† page: Notice how only the best writers squeeze through their process and end up having their writing published? (Including me 😇) You want to follow the same ethos and never sacrifice quality for quantity. Google wants to push sites with expertise, knowledge and trust to the top of the ranks. Vet your contributors and if they don’t meet the same E-A-T guidelines, don’t publish their stuff. It’s really that simple! 4. Build Strong Editorial Backlinks Ah, the one word that makes SEOs rejoice: Backlinks. Us content marketers already know these little hyperlinks play a huge role in any SEO strategy, but your content needs to act as a link-building machine if you want to benefit from this algorithm update. Why? Because links prove credibilitythat caters to the T part of the E-A-T algorithm: Trustworthiness. Site owners who’re dishing out backlinks want to point their audience in the way of incredible content. If they point to low-quality sites, it’s their reputation at stakeand their own rankings that will drop. That’s not gonna do them any favors. But site owners who run reputable, powerful websites want to send their audience in the way of great content. Not 500 words of spun content or content stuffed with your keyword in every paragraphhence why you need to create strong content, and build even stronger backlinks to get in Google’s good books. Follow Moz’s 10x framework, or Backlinko’s skyscraper technique, to build that content. Go above and beyond with your knowledge, educating your customers much better that anyone else can. Then once you’ve got a kick-ass piece of content that’s 10x better than your competition, do some outreach to spread the word. You could: Send the URL to other blogs you’ve linked-to (external linking is good for SEO) Ask influencers to take part and get them to share with their followers Build your own promotion network and ask those people to share your content with their network. (Slack is great for this!) Each of those tactics raises the number of eyeballs on your content. More eyeballs = more backlink opportunities. But if you fancy taking this a step further, go out of your way to ask  for backlinks. Several techniques exist for this, including: Broken link building: Identify a 404 error on your target website, and create a resource to replace it with. Send your URL as a replacement. Round-up/resource link building: Search popular round-up/resource pages in your industry, and reach out to the editor asking to get involved. Guest posting: Write another piece of supporting content and place it on a popular website, linking back to your original piece. Infographic link building: Create an infographic to support your content, and attempt to get it published on industry sites with a link to your content as credit. When you’re working through this section, remember that not every backlink is a good backlink. Good backlinks are contextual, and from authoritative sites with good SEO metrics. It’s a waste of time targeting sites with low Domain Authority, for example, since those won’t pass much ranking power through to your site. SEO powerhouses like HuffPost and Forbes, on the other hand, will! Ready to Ace Google’s E-A-T Algorithm? If you’re not focusing on creating content that’s written by experts, authoritative and from a trustworthy site, you’ll have a hard time on your journey to page one. But it’s easy to boost your organic search traffic when you’re creating what Google, and your target audience, are cravingjust like Marie Haynes did: YEAH! Got this incredible email today from a client for whom we did a site review and made a bunch of recommendations. Their main terms were on page 2 and 3. And now they're #2 for their most important keyword. Improved E-A-T, internal linking and much more. pic.twitter.com/Z7NeXVRtd8 - Marie Haynes (@Marie_Haynes) July 27, 2018 Quality content + strong backlinks = better SEO rankings. And whether you’re just about to ramp-up content production or have a ton of existing content to update, the new E-A-T guidelines are going to get you there.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

AIC Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

AIC - Case Study Example In contrast, AIC systems total volume is lower than Taiwanese rivals elite group Company systems, MSI, and ASUS. However, the companies’ relentless effort on the management of costs enables it to scale high as it labels as a competitive source. Consequently, by the year 2000, AIC structures had evolved into original design manufacturer (ODM). Based on ODM, the company took the vigorous role by innovating and developing new generation components. Additionally, the company participated in house design and development work, which advanced its operations to foster more exclusively establishing long-term relationships with its customers across the planet. In the year, 2007, AIC embarked on a new strategy, diversifying its products portfolio with the inclusion of consumer electronics focusing on mobile technology. Based on the development of technology and AIC company advancement, most hardware has become a commodity with mobile technology taking several forms including ultra-portable laptops called netbooks, mobile phone Laden that have variable arrays and traditional laptops(Wheelwright & Yong 2). The assembly line of QuiN design required refinement, and this made initial orders unpredictable. Wheelwright & Yong (4) argue that the development of full-scale production of the QuiN 816 was frantic. Moreover, promotion of QuiN netbook generated significant publicity as it created an unexpected spike in the production demands. This created lumpy orders of the QuiN netbook and later developed the little need and received an unexpected order for numerous thousand units within a short notice. However, the solution needs to focus on getting new assembly line that is operational. Additionally, QuiN 816 needs to review its operations and identify ways of improving the productivity of the existing capacity. Chen focused on assembling line process for QuiN 816 network. Moreover, by working closely with

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Taping over uneven ground Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Taping over uneven ground - Lab Report Example Given the product’s uniqueness, it is rather difficult to find one made of cheap material and thus the tough nylon cover. Some measuring tapes have temperature affecting them and consequently offer non-accurate results. However, this product is temperature proof. Moreover, the product is very strong and can persevere however kinds of usage in the field. The reinforced crank handle makes it easy to carry around while at work. 3/9 inch blade minimizes wind drift and the weight of the tape. The image above is that of a plumb bob. This equipment is used in the contemporary engineering environment to determine the vertical aspect or rather the vertical properties of a commodity or area. Many people do not understand that this equipment is used not only in the construction field but also in the field to measure the amount of uneven ground at some particular point. There are areas where the level of the ground is too steep to measure with other equipment and the person carrying out the survey has to use these plummet to determine the vertical measure of the particular location (Ceaser 37). In all circumstances, this plumb bob is attached to a string so that the person working on the calculation can measure the angle and consequently offer advice on whether to continue with a project or not with the angle being the basis. There are different kinds of plumb bobs used in the engineering environment depending on the particular engineering field where they are involved. The plu mb bobs present in the image are those of field engineering where they have to be sharp to the point and this is critical to ensure that the centre of gravity remains high on the bob to eliminate false results. The above image is that containing plain marking flags. These flags are very important and not only in this kind of project but for many other engineering endeavors. These flags assist the surveyor or other

Saturday, November 16, 2019

E-Learning Management System Essay Example for Free

E-Learning Management System Essay The basic facilitator for E-learning is triggered by the exponential growth of internet and thirst for information to make smooth decisions at all spheres. The primary purpose is to help people all over in making their lives easier. E-learning creates a network consisting of every being who desires to share and use information. It is very crucial to researchers, professionals and policy makers who require information at the correct time for their work and development. It helps immensely the businesses to cater to a large public domain, typically rendering to B2B, B2C and C2C models. It helps them to cater on-demand services from anywhere across the globe for taking advantage of technology and newer innovations for growth and development. Information can flow smooth across nations and businesses so that its transition can help them to learn newer things and implement it in practice creating an environment of trust and confidence. Communication forms a major part of our lives which can be enriched by sharing information. E-learning management system must be set up effectively with the help of domain experts and professionals so that the correct representation of information can take place. Appropriate classification and representation would further help in optimum procurement and use of it in practice. Knowledge repositories of current practices and lessons learned must be captured effectively for further derivation of knowledge and intelligence. The concept of Data mining is of great importance. Interoperability issues must be addressed to acknowledge the successful delivery of knowledge. Security and quality consideration is a priority as any form of abuse would affect quality of the content. Special care must be taken with regard to knowledge depository so that it can be successfully implemented in practice to render effective services to masses for their prosperity.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Obesity and Diabetes in Young Children Essay -- Obesity and Diabetes

Obesity is medical condition where excess body fat accumulates to an extent that it becomes harmful to the body. Medical practitioners consider obesity a chronic and life-long disease like diabetes and high blood pressure. The disease has long-term effects for health. In fact, it is the second leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States of America. Obesity affects both adults and children but it is more chronic to young children. This paper will look at the analysis of diabetes in young children, obesity, health education strategies and communication strategies used in nursing care and control of diabetes (Benjamin, 2011, 108). Summary of the article Obesity in children has become a serious health issue, in the United States of America. The disease causes problems that persist, as children grow older and has the capability of affecting the quality and length of their lives as adults. Younger children are now at high risk of becoming obese. As early childhood obesity prevention policies article states, ten percent of infants and toddlers have an excess weight. More than twenty percent of children between the ages of two and five years old have excess weight and suffer from obesity. This is an alarming rate of child obesity rates, in the United States of America. Several environmental factors can influence the risk of a child, for obesity. Therefore, assessing obesity trends and instituting preventive measure could help in minimizing the susceptibility of children becoming obese. Multiple groups of people and other stakeholders can help, in ensuring that children grow healthy without the risk of obesity. The article addresses the importance of early assessment of the risk of obesity and creating healthier behaviors ... ...he age of five years are at risk of getting obesity. This rate has become alarming in the United States of America, as discussed in the paper. Medical practitioners consider obesity a chronic and life-long disease like diabetes and high blood pressure. The disease has long-term effects for health that affect the lives of individuals, in adulthood. Obesity calls for close observation of healthy eating habits and exercise. Cognitive theory and psychosocial theory discuss issues that are common, at infancy and childhood. As discussed above, these issues could help lead to obesity, in young children between birth and age five. Appropriate health educational strategies and communication strategies help to reduce the susceptibility of children getting obesity. Therefore, adults must help children avoid obesity by teaching them the benefit of healthy eating and exercise.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Chemistry Percent Composition Report

Percent Composition Report Hypothesis: By using seperation techniques properly, the 3 substance such as; water, sand, and salt can be seperated and the percent composition of each substance. Which will then be calculated theoritically and after comparison with the actual result, the accuracy of the 2 result can be found. Aim: The aim of this experiment is to compare the gravimetric result of the original mixture and the separated substance. The other objective is to calculate each percent composition of the substance that was in the mixture.Introduction: Percent composition is about calculating the percentage of a specific substance in a mixture or compound. It is used mostly to calculate the percentage of an element in a compound using moles. To find percent composition in a mixture, the first thing need to be done is by using separation technique to separate the substances. In this experiment, by knowing that salt is soluble in water and salt do not, determining the technique that is to be used is not a difficulty anymore.Finding composition is also important in daily lives, such as finding impurities in a material such as gold. People have found that most golds are not completely composed of gold, but it is also composed of other elements which becomes an alloy. It involves basic mathematical calculation, but the percentage that is found can be beneficial for the researcher depending on his intentions on what to do with it. Materials: -Mixtures of sand and salt -Aquades -Filter paper – Filter tunnel -Filtration apparatus -Stirer -Wired gauze -Beaker Procedure:The beaker, evaporating disk, filter paper, and the mixture is weighted using the provided equipment -Water is then added into the mixture which was in the beaker -The whole mixture that was poured by water is stired -The equipments for filtration was prepared -The mixture was poured to the filter paper and was allowed to be filtered -The sand residue was taken to the heater device to be heated o vernight -Equipments for the evaporation process is prepared beforehand -The filtrate was then heated, resulting only the salt as the water evaporizes -The sand was then weighted after a night Results : Object name Mass (grams) Beaker 60Beaker + Mixtures 86. 3 Beaker + Mixtures+Water 102. 7 Water 16. 4 Mixtures 26. 3 Filter paper 0. 5 Evaporating disk 34. 8 Crystallized Salt 0. 87 Analysis : Sand + salt + water = 25. 74 grams % composition: % of salt: % of sand: % of Water : Discussions: -Gravimetric analysis can only be applied on the experiment if it involves mearusing the mass of the objects or substances that are used in the process -The cause of inaccuracy in this experiment could be the wrong measurement of the water added, the salt substance that didn’t get soluted by the water because of the amount of the salt is more that the solubility rate of water can take. avoid inaccuracy in the records, precise measurements of every single thing is required, concentration on th e process, and correct mathematical calculations. Conclusion: Even if the inaccuracy of the gravimetric analysis is inevitable, the percent composition that can be pulled through the calculation gives us a better picture of how much each substance is in a mixture. Correct separation techniques are also used, which means separation process affects the result greatly.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Describe How to Deal with Disagreements Between the Practitioner and Children and Young People

Describe how to deal with disagreements between the practitioner and children and young people If it is TA versus a child, then the chances are that the child is being confrontational and disobedient. You would have to point out the boundaries and explain that it would not be wise to cross these boundaries if the child did not want to make the situation worse for their self. With an adult, they have their own perspective on what has caused the disagreement and this should be listened to and then you should calmly put forward your point of view.It is essential to establish respectful and professional relationships with children and young people in the role of TA. There are certain strategies which enable such a valued and trusted relationship to be established. A relationship in which a child trusts and respects their TA and feels comfortable in their company, allows the TA to offer a supportive and caring environment in which the child can learn and develop. Describe how to deal with disagreements between the practitioner and other adultsVery often in my life I have found myself in the middle of conflict. You have to be very wise, diplomatic and try to help to solve the problem, if somebody asks you to. Many times people know how to sort it out, or what must be done to solve the problem, but they are too emotionally involved at that moment and they simply are not able to do anything. If such a situation happened, it is good to listen and give them time to calm down. It can take just few minutes or longer period of time.The important thing is to be patient, which may be hard to do, but it is vital to keep a cool head. At times I may be required to mediate discussions, over a period of time, until both parties feel that the issue has been resolved to their satisfaction. This might be conflicts at work, among friends, among children at school, or at home. Firstly, when we want to manage disagreements, the skill of listening to both sides of the conflict and assess ing the whole situation is required, before making any decisions.Also, checking their non-verbal communication and make sure I am aware of what caused the conflict in reality. Verbal conflicts are easier to manage than physical disagreements. Secondly, I must be completely sure that both sides want and are ready to resolve the conflict. If they stay angry, or refuse to communicate, helping them to negotiate will be impossible to do. Sometimes I will talk to both sides separately, as this gives more of a clearer picture and I will make sure they are both honest.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The eNotes Blog I want to be under the sea Google Releases Street View of the OceanFloor

I want to be under the sea Google Releases Street View of the OceanFloor Attention Jacques Cousteau, Steve Zissou, and general oceanographer wannabes: you can now visit the sea beds of the world from your very computer. Thats because this week Google unveiled its latest addition to Google Mapsstreet views of six of the worlds most breathtaking coral reefs. Via this new addition, you can now view a   sea turtle swimming among a school of fish  in the Great Barrier Reef,  follow a manta ray, visit  an  ancient boulder coral  near Apo Island in the Philippines,   join snorkelers in Oahu’s Hanauma Bay,  and much more. To capture these amazing images, Google turned to  The Catlin Seaview Survey, whose team members occasionally dive into view of some of the photos. [The divers] used a specialized SVII camera to capture the images. Every three seconds while traveling at about 2.5 miles/hour, the camera captures a 360-degree panorama with geolocation information and a compass heading. Only two of the cameras are in existence worldwide. We just had to give it up for the amazing science and technology behind this project, which not only reminds us that the world is an awe-inspiring place, but also allows the landlubbers among us to discover every piece of it. Looking for interesting Science and Marine Biology QA? Weve got that! What is a red tide? What are some interesting facts about stingrays? How does oxygen naturally enter an aquatic ecosystem? What is the significance of the marine ecosystem on world biology? What is the difference between fresh-water biology and marine biology?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Tips To Make Your First Tattoo Successful

10 Tips To Make Your First Tattoo Successful It may be clichà ©, but a tattoo is for life. You have no timetable. Before acting out, be sure that you are ready. Remember that you are continually evolving as a person. When you are about to get inked for life, consider that your tastes may not be the same in the future. For example, your tattoo of Britpop Blur group may not have the same effect in 10 years. Do not look for a discount. A tattoo is an investment. He will be there for several years, ideally. If you start looking for a discount, you may end up with a worse result than expected. Do your homework. Before going to see a tattoo artist, decide which style you like. Then search for artists who practice this technique. Then, do not hesitate to see them discuss what you want. They can advise you and help you make an informed choice. Choose the right moment. The temperature can significantly affect the healing process of your tattoo. Try to avoid the hot weather of the summer and the dry cold of the winter. Autumn and spring are the ideal moments. Listen to your tattoo artist. If the tattoo artist tells you that your drawing will not be beautiful once on your skin or that the location you have chosen is not ideal, trust him. He knows what he is doing. Prepare to get hurt.Yes, it hurts. Not a lot of pain, but still enough. Especially if the room you have taken is large enough. If you want, bring in headphones. Listening to music at the same time can help change the nonsense. Stay hydrated and feed. Getting a tattoo can be very physically demanding. Thats why its important to come to your appointment with a full stomach and a good thirst. We suggest you bring a bottle of water and a snack. Take care of your new tattoo Listen carefully to the instructions of your tattoo artist. During the first days, you have an open wound on your body. It is essential to clean it often with unscented soap. Once your tattoo has dried, create it as if your life depended on it. Avoid Polysporin or other disinfectants. Instead, favor moisturizing creams like Aveeno. You do not have to justify yourself to anyone. Once the tattoo is on your skin, it belongs to you. If you do not feel like talking about it, do not talk about it. It does not concern anyone except you.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business Law and Ethics Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Law and Ethics Final - Essay Example Treating workers fairly and equally is important. Making them feel that they are fairly treated is even more vital. Perhaps, the freedom for employees, and by extension, for Americans is the greatest contributing force towards the continued country’s prosperity and development. Indeed, our very founding can be traced back on the yearning of equality and freedom. As the economy continues to soar, the labor force and working patterns are also constantly changing. Besides, more enterprises are becoming multinational, and, as a result, more Americans are working abroad. In the light of this, the discussion in this paper explores more on the principles of freedom and equality. As a prelude to the understanding on how the principles of freedom and equality have been applied in American companies in overseas, it is critical to define some of the major terms that constantly feature in the paper. By definition, the term freedom refers to the power to think or act without restraint or hindrance (Pollock, 2003). It stems from the word free, which means not been under the control of anyone or been able to act as one wish. However, one peculiar definition of this term is that freedom is never free. Basically, this means that freedom comes at a cost. For instance, in colonial days, people fought for freedom. On the other hand, equality ensures that individuals (workers) are treated fairly without any discrimination on the basis of sex, race, gender, religion, age, or disability. Harassment, victimization, and bullying are considered as diversity and equality issues (Callinicos, 2000). Freedom is the foundation of our society. In the workplace, giving workers the chance to voice their objectives can be a solid move towards attracting and retaining top talents. Managers should value employee’s freedom and flexibility in the workplace. Freedom in the